Article: NZ Menopause Survey Presented to the Beehive
NZ Menopause Survey Presented to the Beehive
On July 20th 2023 an official Menopause meeting took place in the Beehive!
Myself, along with Robyn Faucett, Jeanette Kehoe-Perkinson, Bronda Smith and Sarah Connor got to sit down with both Hon Jan Tinetti (Minister for Women) and Hon Willow-Jean Prime (Associate Minister for Health) to talk all things menopause.
The good, the bad, and the ugly parts 😥
We discussed the lot.
How women feel unprepared for what their bodies and brains go through.
How they feel unheard and alone.
Scared they might lose their job.
Scared they might lose their partner.
And scared they are losing their mind 😥
All the women in that room agreed that we need to do better.
So watch this space 😊
And after this wonderful meeting, we then met with yet more politicians to formally present Bronda’s Make Menopause Matter NZ petition on the steps of parliament.
Thank you to all 5,583 people who signed to support this. It was accepted by MP Sarah Pallett and we also had MPs Angie Warren-Clark, Anna Lorke, Angela Roberts, Jan Logie and Deborah Russell join us too.
So, Menopause is getting on the political agenda here in NZ.
We will be the generation to create change for ‘the change’ - and make menopause a supported and celebrated phase in every woman’s life ❤️
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